Wednesday, June 18, 2008

'No Mom thats a temple, not a shopping mall...' - Tiffany

I really enjoyed my morning class. We did an activity where someone would say something and the response would have to be an offer of help. For example:
My suitcase is heavy. I’ll carry it for you.
I don’t have any money. I will lend you some.
I had a good laugh at each of their responses. At one point one of my shorter students had to respond to the “I’m not tall enough to reach the glasses on the top shelf.” And she responds “me too.” I also had a good laugh when one of the students responded to “I have to walk all the way home,” with “I will walk with you.” I said that someone would normally say that you could offer to drive them home, and the student responded saying that she couldn’t because she didn’t have a car.

For lunch we ate at one of the restaurants across from Bangkok University. The food was okay.

As we were riding in the taxi on our way to Siam, Misty’s mother points at a gold building and said “Is that another shopping mall?” Misty responded “No mom that is not another shopping mall that is a temple.” Haha

We did some shopping at the teen mall, MBK. This mall is basically like a big indoor market. I had some fun bartering with some of the stores.

We were looking for something for Misty’s brother. We finally found one of the things we wanted but they were asking way too much. I attempted to barter it down but he would not go 50 baht lower to meet me. We decided it was time to walk away, and if we wanted we could go back again. We found some more of the same things for a cheaper price. We still liked the first one we saw better, so we went back. However, there was another man working there so we decided we would tell a little lie. (please forgive us for this one). We told him that the other guy told us that we could pay 450 Baht for it and he said “okay.” We paid and waited for change. In the meantime the original guy came back and Tiffany says to him “We got it for 450!” He said no. We had a good laugh because we already had it, the plan blew up in our face, and Tiffany did not even know that we really got it for cheaper than he would offer. What a good laugh that was.

Misty and I shopped around some more at Siam while her mother and sister went to Ocean World. We took the BTS to Soi 38 for supper. I got the usual but this time decided to ask what was actually in the sauce so I could remake it at home. My suitcase is getting fuller with all of these sauces. I know I might be able to get some in the city but I don’t want to chance it.

We went back to Soi 40 to get some more of our things as we are not staying in our room there. It was nice to see the boys. I especially loved with Gelong came into our room again and took pictures. He had Misty’s mom proposing and everything.

Tonight I spent some time with Mercy 6, putting the children to bed. I spent some time with the toddlers, rubbing their backs trying to get them to sleep. I loved seeing them pray and listening to them sing along to their night time songs, instead of sleeping. When I went to see Ja she took my hand and kissed it, then motioned for me to lay beside her as she kissed my face. I love these kids…I cannot even begin to imagine saying good bye to them. It is hard to sleep at the main building. Even though we have many luxuries, I miss the boys a lot. In the morning I do not hear them getting ready for school, praying, eating or fighting. I miss those sounds, even if they woke me up at 5:30.

That’s all for now. Sending love from Thailand.

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