Wednesday, June 4, 2008



This morning Misty and I went to Mercy to give a tour to the Australian Women’s Group that we do the milk run with. Most of them are already huge sponsors of Mercy, so they wanted to put a picture to their contribution. The tour took about 45 minutes. Unfortunately there were no children as they were all in school.

One of the little boys from Mercy 6 was sick today. We knew he was sick right away as he did not offer us a welcoming smile. Usually he is one of the boys who runs around Mercy. Please pray for him.

SiChon (Spicy) went for surgery on his eyes today. We have not heard how it went or how he is doing. I will keep you posted. Please pray for him too.

After our tour Misty and I went to our favorite park to relax. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had other plans for us and we got rained on. However, it did give me a chance to get the battery changed on my watch. I also met up with Chris in the afternoon for a chat. The work down in Phuket is not able to go as planned so he will be flying back to Australia on Wednesday night. ☹

Misty and I went to one of the local favorite shopping malls for teens. We came out empty handed, but we were just killing time. In the evening I did some more laundry. One of the boys came out crying so he sat with me for a while until all of the other boys came out and then things started to get rough.

We had a pretty quiet night.

Sorry for the lack of comments under the pictures. I cannot see them. They are all of the boys at the house parent's birthday party, expect for the last one which was taken at Emporium. One of the children drew and painted that picture and it is for sale for 10 000 Baht. ($300 CDN)

1 comment:

Ennis said...

those kids are adorable