Saturday, March 1, 2008

Feb 27, 2007

Misty and I walked to work this morning. It took about 20 minutes. We made it just in time because as soon as we sat down inside it started raining outside. It was not like any rain I have ever seen before! It poured for a good 20 minutes and then stopped as if nothing happened. I took a video of the rain and will post it. We spent most of the day teaching the two students who applied for the sponsorship to go to Norway, Dew and Warmy. Working with them at the same time and providing them with the same task gave us the opportunity to see the difference in their abilities. This was important for us to see as we have to make a recommendation in the selection process. We feel we made the right choice and today confirmed our decision.
The girls fount out today that Warmy was selected. The language barrier prevented us from really understanding how they felt when they found out. I think Warmy will do very well in Norway, both inside and outside of the classroom, and she is an excellent candidate to represent Klong Toey and HDF.
Misty and I went for a walk today during one of our breaks. While walking along we met an elephant walking in the street! It was so random. The owners were trying to get people to buy food to feed it. We didn't take a picture because we figured they would charge us for it too. I am sure there will many more.
The elephant was much smaller than I expected and looked old. It had a small amount of hair on the top of it but it wasn't like I expected at all. It looked sick.
Tonight Misty and I also went to attend a wake and mass. Nitaya's mother passed away. We knew she was going to pass soon but we didn't expect it to happen so soon. Vans were provided for the staff to go over to the service. Almost everyone went. We have come to find that Mercy is like one large family, when someone grieves everyone grieves.
When we first arrived, the body was in a coffin in a room off of the basketball court outside. Chairs were set up on the court facing the direction of the body. People took their shoes off, went into the room, lit some incense and then came out. Then everyone went upstairs for a Catholic Mass. The woman who passed away was Catholic. Three priests performed the mass. I could recognize many parts of the mass. We then proceeded to go back downstairs where we were all given a rose to place in front of the monument to pray for those who were affected by the slum fire they had a few days before we arrived. (I think this was caused by a candle. All of the homes are so close together that if one goes, all of them go).
Everyone then proceeded to go back to the court where they sang some songs and had some food. In total this event lasted about two and a half hours. This happens again for the next 2 nights, and then on the third night is the actual funeral. People continue to go each night, even if they already went the night before.
I could not believe all of this was put together in such a short amount of time. As soon as they found out that she passed away, workers were busy preparing the death certificate and making arrangements. Even with such a short amount of notice so many people came out. (UPDATE: The funeral took place on Saturday and was attended by over 500 people. Over 200 of those in attendance were children from the slums.)

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