Monday, March 24, 2008

Just another regular Monday

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are not too snowed in or stuffed from turkey. After having such a great Easter weekend, we decided to take it easy on Monday. We slept in until a little before noon (I think Misty was impressed as I have finally been able to sleep past 730 am). However, I was awake on and off all morning. The food I had to eat yesterday did not agree with me. When ordered, I did not think about Father Joe’s words of wisdom: when you start to eat red meat again you are going to have diarrhea. Maybe I should have been reminded of this when I ordered meat sauce on my pasta. I think most of it is out of my system now.

We decided we would attempt to find an internet café that is close to here. However, we soon learned that there is no such thing. The closest internet café is at Emporium, which is a few sky train stops away. We hopped on a bus and then took a taxi the rest of the way and we were there. The internet was incredibly slow so once again I apologize for the lack of pictures. I was on the internet for an hour and that is all I was able to post.

We went upstairs for a smoothie (which is my new addiction) and then decided we should go see a movie. We went to see “I Can’t Be Your Woman” (I think that is what it was called). This was one of the cheesiest movies I have ever seen. I do not recommend anyone waste their time and money to see it.

The movie theatre was decked out a lot different than the last one. There were curtains on the walls and the seats were like lazy boys and reclined. There was an old white man, who Misty and I would guess was 300 pounds who sat in front of us with a very young Thai girl. Every time a good looking girl came on, he made grunting sounds. This was incredibly disgusting.

After the movie we went into some of the stores and then went for a walk around our favorite park and then grabbed a cab home. In the evening we reheated our second Italian meals and then worked on lesson plans.

Things I’ve gotten used to in the past month:

10. Being surrounded by AIDS
9. Feeling constantly lost, even while in a taxi
8. Seeing Misty 24/7
7. Bugs - everywhere
6. People constantly staring and horns beeping at us
5. The blank look on people’s faces when they don’t understand you
4. Cold “showers”
3. The heat
2. Rice, rice and more rice. Oddly, when I’m really hungry now, I crave rice
1. Never feeling completely clean

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