Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 14 - No exciting Titles Today

Hello Faithful Readers,

Sorry it has been a little while since I posted last but the internet has not been cooperating lately. Misty and I have been doing a lot of teaching. We have also been helping some of the students prepare applications for university prep school.

I did an interesting observation for you. I think I mentioned once that there is an abundance of stray dogs in Thailand. Well walking home the other day I counted 53 just from here to the main road which is less than a 5 minute walk. Everywhere you look in Thailand you see a dog. Often times their barking is what wakes you up, much different that waking up by the sound of a rooster.

The sunburn is just starting to get better. It still feels as sore as if it just happened by the redness seems to be going down.

Yesterday after work Misty and I went to Emporium which is a large (expensive) shopping mall that is aimed at Foreigners. It was really nice and had some top brand names but incredibly expensive. We had a nice supper there and the most amazing ice cream I think I have ever had. Yummm….

Also, I finally got a hair cut. Now this is an experience in itself. I walked into one of the local salons and made a cutting motion towards my hair. They directed me to a seat where I sat and frantically looked through magazines to try and explain what I was looking for. Then a gentleman came and took me towards the back and washed my hair. I don’t think I have felt so clean since I’ve been here. The whole hair washing process took longer than the hair cut as they include a head massage. I told Misty that we should come to get our hair washed every week it was that good. Okay enough about that. So then he brings you to the chair and introduces you to your stylist. He then stood off to the side while the stylist cut your hair. When it came time to blow dry it, he stepped back in to offer assistance. So basically I had two people blow drying my hair. I wish I had this every day. I should also tell you that my chair was right beside the shop window so people walking by were stopping to watch or turning around to get another look. Misty said it was quite the sight.

Last night Misty and I went to a bar in Bangkok called Tokyo Joe’s. We went with some of the staff to attending the Bangkok Blues Festival. Some of the musicians support Mercy so we support them. It was a lot of fun and the music was actually quite good. We also ran into Marie at Emporium (one of the Burns sisters from the United States) so she came out as well. Misty and I had a good laugh about that. We know probably a total of 10 people in Bangkok and run into one of them while we are out.

This morning Misty and I took the Songtheaw to Mercy with SiJie. A few of the staff are flying to Phuket for the weekend to plant trees after the tsunami.

I also went to visit some of the adults in the AIDS hospice. Bea, a girl we have been visiting every day is in the hospital. She must have went sometime in the night. From what I could understand from the other adults she is quite sick. Please keep her in your prayers.

That is about all the news I have for now. It is still early morning here so I may have some interesting stories to add later.

To all my classmates back home, enjoy your last day of classes!!

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