Sunday, March 2, 2008

March 2, 2008 - So it ins't just Misty and I who share a bed...

We have new bedmates..yep you read that right. We have tons of new friends who have been sleeping in our bed with us. These friends are small and of the "buggy kind." They are not just in our bed, but in our bathroom, closet, toothbrush, and even underwear. We have kind of gotten used to them, but the thought is kind of disturbing. I am going to try and get the name of them for a future post.

Since we last posted, not too much has happened. We went to one of the local malls yesterday with one of our students and Si Jie. The mall is cheap for even people in Thailand, but most of the stuff is not our taste. We split up and decided to meet back up in an hour, but after waiting an hour at the entrance where we decided to meet, paging the others and then waiting another ten minutes we got frusturated and cranky and decided to finally go home. Well on our way out we realized that the entrance we were waiting at was not the entrance we agreed to meet at. Boy did we feel bad. We looked around for them but there was still no sign so we grabbed some Japenese food for supper and then hopped on the skytrain home. Turns out they did wait for us until the mall closed. They also heard the page for them but were on the other side of the mall so it took them ten minutes to get home. This all could have been avoided as well if our cell phones were not all dead. Dumb us.

Other than that we don't have too much news. We have the day off today so we are doing lesson plans in the morning and then heading to the night market again in the afternoon. We are also going to try and find a store so we can stock up on some food and find some drugs for me. (Misty passed on her cold...nice of her.. She not only gave me her cold but she steals the blanket in the middle of the night so im cold with my cold.)

The weather here today is not too bad, the morning walk was rather refreshing. The temperature says it is 28 degrees, what a big difference from the -5 and snowstorm at home. sorry guys, I just had to rub that in.

That is about all the news I have for now. I will update more later.

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