Saturday, May 31, 2008

Movies with the Boys


This morning we met Chris at Bangkok University, and then headed off to the milk run. Sister Joan had a lot of help today and there was nothing else to give out besides milk so we did not really have any work to do. The milk run was also moved because of all of the rain. It was not as busy as last week either. This could possibly be because the milk run is usually every 2 weeks and some families may not think they need any more milk as they just got some last week, and do not think far enough ahead to realize it will be longer before they get more.

After the milk run we went to Au Bon Pain for brunch, which is a more westernized sandwich place. We then walked to Mercy. Misty and I gave Chris a grand tour. The children in the kindergarten were so excited to see us and at one point we each had 2 of them in our arms. I should also mention that Takatan was in the same classroom I brought her to the other day, thank goodness.

Next we headed to Lumpini park. We watched the monetary lizards swimming in the water. We saw both the biggest one we have ever seen today, and the smallest one. We also watched the park security kick 2 people out of the park. I don’t know what they did wrong, but I did notice both of them got in trouble when they were sleeping on the bench.

We spent most of the day chatting at the park. Misty and I departed and went back to Mercy to teach. Later in the evening Aunt Betty asked us to accompany her and her sponsor child to Tesco Lotus where she was going to take her sponsor child on a little shopping spree. In less than an hour she walked out of there with 3 pairs of pants, a shirt and 2 pairs of shoes. I think we did well.

Back at Mercy we played with the children in the AIDS hospice. The girls took turns putting on SiJie’s new heels and dancing. It was very cute.

After taking a shower tonight, I came out of the bathroom at the same time Misty said “Jodie…Gelong is in here.” I see that. I guess seeing me in a towel made up for all of those times I saw him. He stayed in our room long enough to cut his nails (which I should mention took a good hour) and then blew us a kiss and left.

I spent the evening watching Pirates of the Caribbean with the boys. One of the younger ones fell asleep on me, and half were sound asleep by the end of the movie. I carried some of them to bed, but I guess I got some of the beds mixed up when the others went to get into their bed to find a boy already there. Oops. They were too sleepy to even notice me moving them around.

That’s all the news for now. Sorry it took so long to post!

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