Tuesday, May 20, 2008

So Many GoodByes

Last night on my walk home from the internet café, I nearly got bit by a dog. I was walking down our street alone in the dark, and I do not think the dog saw me coming as I was relatively quiet. As I approached he was very quiet so I was happy to think that he was not going to do anything to harm me, however as soon as I was beside him he started growling and barking at my legs. I almost soiled myself right then and there. It was a fast walk the rest of the way home.

Misty reminded me on our walk to Mercy this morning that it has been 3 months since we have been here. The last month seemed to go by faster than the first two. This also means that we only have one month left until we are finished teaching, and a little over a month and a half before we return.

Today was bittersweet. Walking into the AIDS hospice I did not hear the chipper “Hey You” I hear from Egg every day. I looked at his bed and there was another man sleeping there. Apparently over the weekend Egg went home. I am glad that he was well enough to go home, but I also worry that he went home too early. Egg has a tendency to be fine one day and terribly sick the next. I know he was excited to get out of here, but I just hope he did not rush it.

I said goodbye to Spicy today (SiChon). After having several tests done on his eyes, the doctors have come to conclude that there is no real hope of him ever being able to see again. I told you his story about how he lived in the garbage dump with his sister, and how the bacteria from all of it caused his near blindness, and skin blemishes. Well today he left for boarding school where he will learn how to read Braille. He was quite excited to go, but also quite sad.

Today was one of my last days with Momma. I think she is likely leaving tomorrow. We spent a lot of time together, and she gave me a pair of earrings that sparkle as much as hers. She was very proud to give them to me. Momma insisted that she give me a manicure today. That woman cannot stop and relax for one minute. So she had the nail clippers out this time and half the time I felt like she was cutting my finger. I almost passed out from the combination of the heat and the pain. After she finished cutting she filed, right down to the tip of my poor finger. I care about Momma too much to offend her and tell her that it is hurting, so instead I just bit my lip and bared it. I had to keep reminding myself that this is probably going to be the last time I can see how happy she is to be giving me a manicure.

Another one of the patients we visit (I am sorry I cannot remember her name for the life of me) was admitted to the hospital. I think I told you that she has been sick for the past few days. I don’t know when she went, or when she will come home, but they did say she was really sick.

This morning I went on the computer after teaching my first class, and there was a knock at the main door of the computer lab. I looked up and there was one of the AIDS patients that we visit, pushing one of the boys from the hospice in a wheelchair. I am not sure how old this boy is, but he is hooked up to oxygen, and has been fading away since we arrived….until today. Today he was smiling and responding to touch and voice. I was so happy that I was able to see him in this state. Hopefully he will continue to get stronger with time. This afternoon I went to visit him in his bed and his leg is no wider than my thumb and middle finger forming a circle.

Misty and I taught at the kindergarten today. Now we teach only one class and at the beginning of the week. We prepared for the younger children again, bringing activities that focus on the alphabet and numbers, only to find that we were upstairs with the older children. We mostly focused on calling out letters of the alphabet and getting them to write them, as well as teaching them a few English songs.

After joining the adults in the AIDS hospice for lunch we decided to walk home for a nap. On the way home Misty and I sang English songs at the top of our lungs. At one point I think I was getting a little too into it and I walked into a street sign. I think the indent on my head may always be a reminder of that walk. Ouch. So arriving back at Soi 40…we find that the building is locked. Back to Mercy we go, this time by Taxi as the heat was blazing.

Tonight we took a sawngthaew home to our street and then went to our favorite street vendor restaurant. As soon as we walked into the place (which is essentially someone’s house) the cook got up from where she was eating and began preparing our usual selection. As always, it was delicious.

We asked for the time off today to travel to Laos. Instead of having next Monday off we will shift some of our afternoon classes, and teach. Then Tuesday will be a regular day, and Misty and I will fly out right after work. We will return sometime Monday the following week. I will not have the internet with me as we will be doing some backpacking, and I do not trust leaving it at places for the day. I will keep you updated on our plans as we finalize them.

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