Friday, May 16, 2008

Thursday Night Birthday Party @ Soi 40

The boys started off their dinner by eatting chips, ice cream cake and juice. Here SiJie is serving some chips, as Misty looks on. The birthday boy himself....SPICY! (SiChon)
Sitting around the big happy family.
SiChon and SiPhon. Spicy and his sister.
Serving their real supper. I usually scoop the rice.!
These little guys just came over from the other building at Mercy. As soon as we saw them the first time they recognized us and have been more like leeches ever since.
Sorry these are not the most flattering pictures..but keep in mind it is like 100 degrees outside, and I was just running around trying to get everything ready on time.

Lots of good smiles going on here.... me. This was right after he motioned for me to sit down on the broken stool. I cannot even look at this picture without laughing.

Me and Folk, my little buddy. I feel like he is my son.

I am so glad that after all of the food was finished and their energy level reached its max, we could retreat back to our room. Piggy Back rides. You can just imagine this got tiring after a while. They wanted to have wars.
Brushing our teeth after the party. Tonight Folk came again for help, so I made a sticker rewards chart for him. Every so many stickers he will get a little treat. You can read more about this experience on the post below.
I do not know what we were talking about, but it looked quite serious. My guess "Do this again tomorrow night?" "ok"
Final touches...I felt so bad. His little teeth are starting to rot, like most of the children here. His teeth are also so small that he mostly brushes his gums, so it bleeds quickly.

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