Thursday, March 6, 2008

March 5 - We are on our last bag of corn flakes :S

As you can see from our blog title, my world may soon be coming to an end. Tesco does sell corn flakes but the size of their boxes would equal one bowl for me.

Our ‘borrow’ SiJie’s fridge mission has been a success! We carried (with the help of some of the older boys) the fridge down two flights of stairs and relocated it in our room. We also decided to take her microwave as well. So last night we enjoyed a romantic evening of popcorn, burned movies on our laptop and cold coke.

Misty and I decided need to get out of here this weekend. We are going to venture to the southern part of Thailand and enjoy a relaxing beach weekend. We plan on leaving sometime Friday and coming back Monday night. We don’t ask for much, just a warm shower. It is going to take a good 7-8 hours to get where we want to go but it should all be worth it.

I taught my first adult class this morning. I was so nervous, but it went ok. Some of their English is good, however others are not confident in their English and look to the others to talk for them. I am going to try and change this as time goes on.

I taught the university prep girls again today. They are both doing well and enjoyed the hands on activities I had planned for them. I also taught Lek again, the girl going to Singapore. After we were done class she asked us to join her for supper at one of the street vendors, so off Misty and I went.

We have been trying to avoid the vendors as we are afraid of getting sick, however we figured that when we are with a local we would be taken to one of the better spots. I had pork fried rice, and it actually was not that bad. I am not sure if it is something I could eat every day but it was edible.

There was a fire in the slums today. When a fire happens in the slum many people are affected as it spreads very easily. They usually have about two or three major fires a year. Most of them are started by a candle or something electrical. We are not sure if there was any loss of life or how many people have been affected at the moment.

My cold is mostly gone. I finally decided to get some drugs at the pharmacy. These drugs were pretty strong and I feel asleep very easily. When I was awake I felt a little on the staggering, tipsy side. But they worked. (And yes, I did make sure they were really pharmacy type drugs and not some random thing sold on the street).

That’s about all for now. Misty and I are just doing the finishing touches on our equity video. I might be able to post it here as well.

1 comment:

Chicken Nugget said...

Hey Jodie,

I would love to see your equity video! Hopefully you will be able to post it on here! I love reading your blog along with misty's. Can't wait to hear and see pictures of your adventures this weekend!

Sending love from Nova Scotia!