Saturday, April 5, 2008

Lucas Mitchel Pedersen

Hello Everyone,

I do not have too much exciting news here in Thailand but there is some exciting news I have to share with you from Canada. Josh and Melinda welcomed Lucas Mitchel Pedersen into the world on April 2nd. Lucas weighed 8 lbs, 1 ounce. I am happy to report that both mommy and baby are doing well, and Josh is a very happy daddy! Congratulations!!

Yesterday was a typical day, work, work and more work. It seemed like one of the longest days ever. After work we went out for an ice cream at Swensen's to celebrate that the week is over. Misty spent most of the evening working on something for school, and I some how managed to pick up a wireless signal from some where, so I was just playing around.

We went out for supper at a Italian Restaurant in Bangkok around 10 pm, as we thought the ice cream would hold us but it didnt. We were also trying to celebrate our internet access and Misty finishing her work.

We came home and crashed. It is Saturday now and I have some how managed to get the internet again. Even though the signal is weak and I have to keep the computer in a very awkward position (half on and half off the bed) it is pretty exciting. We just spent the last 4 hours doing laundry, but thankfully we now have clean clothes. It is sad that half of your clothes are dry by the time you are actually finished washing them all.

We do not have very exciting plans for the day. We are going to head out to eat here soon and then tonight we are going out with Nick, from the Canadian Embassy. There is a birthday party from one of his coworkers so there will be a lot of Canadians there. He said our Canadian count will double what we have met so far, in one evening! We are pretty psyched about that.

That is all the news for now. Sorry I don't have any pictures to post but nothing really overly exciting has happened.

Hope all is well at home!

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