Friday, April 25, 2008

Thursday - Another day, another storm. Time to buy a Raincoat

We started off our busy day with a class cancellation. Misty and I both did not have our 8 am class, so preschool was our first group of the day. Emma came with us to preschool this morning as she did not have a student and wanted to see what it was like. I think she enjoyed herself. As soon as we walked in the door we were attacked with hugs and children asking for a handshake as the boys really like it when I shake their hand really hard.

We focused on opposites today and had quite a good time impersonating the different opposites. They really enjoyed us showing them our sad faces. We finished the class off with our songs and dancing. As soon as the monkey song came on, the children went wild! It is clearly their favorite.

Hardly any of the staff at lunch at Mercy today as it was some kind of noodle that no one liked. The street vendor next door must have enjoyed the ambush. I went with Pi Ning to pick up the food for the public relations office and the social workers and community outreach staff were all there eating. We had our own little picnic back in the office, courtesy of the head boss.

After lunch we taught the Sea gypsies again. We focused on time, opposites, and feelings. We figured we should expand their vocabulary because every time we ask them how they are doing they only answer with saying “I am fine thank you, and you?” In unison at the end of class they always say “Thank you teacher, see you again.” They sound like little robots. I am guessing this is what they are normally taught in school as most people you meet on the streets or students of different ages will respond the same way using the same tone. We thought tomorrow was our last day with the sea gypsies, but I guess they are still here next week.

The afternoon was not overly exciting, just teaching and more teaching. Misty and I went to Carrefour to get some groceries after work, and check out the price of toys at Toys R Us for the British Women’s Group. I also bought a raincoat, if that is what you can call it. I do not know how well it will hold up to these rain storms but I guess it will have to do. It has these plastic buttons that are very far apart which looks like the ultimate place for water to get in. However, one bonus is that it does go down to my knees.

It was raining when we left which reminded me to go back in and get the coat. However, when we came back out the rain stopped. I guess the rainstorm last night had quite a toll on some of the houses in Bangkok. Several trees fell over and ruined houses. A grandmother was found dead in her house, holding her crying granddaughter. I was thinking about this. If it was in the news at home it would be clearly sad but at the same time, very beautiful. However, here in Thailand I have learned to think much differently. The grandmother could be the primary caregiver for the grandchild, as that is often the case, so this could be a huge adjustment for the child.

At 2:00 am we were suddenly awoken by another rainstorm. To give you an idea of how loud and powerful these are; I was able to see through Hurricane Juan but these wake me up. Misty and I ran outside to get our laundry off of the balcony as sometimes the roof over it leaks and we are not too keen on the idea of having to do it all over again. Friday morning came way too soon after that.

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